Internet Radio Market Analysis, Growth, Share, Market Trends, Forecast to 2027 | Impact of COVID-19
INTERNET RADIO MARKET Market Overview Radio is an all-time entertainment system. It provides relaxation, comfort, and community. Listening to music has always made an individual happy. Due to technological improvement, the latest version of radio services is updated to internet radio . It is also known as digital audio service, web radio, online radio, IP radio, net radio, e-radio, streaming radio. This radio works through internet transmission. In short, an internet radio consists of internet radio technology (listening, simulation, and streaming). The streaming media permits a continuous flow of audio that cannot be handled manually, i.e., paused in between, or replay the audio once it is over. This radio can be accessed online through a broadband connection or ethernet cable, provided the radio is placed near the router. The advancement in technologies has brought a revolution, and the global internet radio market has experienced an increase. Get Free Sample ...